Consider Taking a Trade

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Suggestion #10

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We suggest that you consider this option. Taking something in trade can help you sell quicker and may eliminate your buyer’s major concern about selling their home.

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How it Works

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House trading has been around for a while, and it’s becoming more popular due to the conditions of today’s housing market. The word “trading” implies that you exchange front door keys and high-fives as your moving trucks pass each other on the road, but that’s not exactly how it works. Trading does involve swapping houses, but even if both houses are valued at the same amount, there are still lenders and lawyers involved and money does change hands. The finances of trading houses are pretty much the same as if you were to buy a house. You have to qualify for a loan, come up with a down payment and have a closing, which involves selling your house and buying the other house as two separate transactions. Existing mortgages are paid off at closing, and you get a new loan for the new house. The difference with trading is that these events happen simultaneously, with both parties’ closing dates scheduled for the same time. This provides assurance that you won’t be stuck with two mortgages.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_tabs admin_label=”Tabs” _builder_version=”3.0.87″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”][et_pb_tab title=”Pros of Trading” _builder_version=”3.0.48″ body_font=”||||” body_line_height=”2em” tab_font=”||||” tab_line_height=”2em” background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” body_line_height_tablet=”2em” body_line_height_phone=”2em” tab_line_height_tablet=”2em” tab_line_height_phone=”2em”]• Peace of mind in knowing that your home has sold
• Good option for people who have to relocate quickly for a job or just simply want to sell their house and get on with their lives
• Transactions of house trading usually happen much more quickly than during the typical selling process.
• You are likely to receive the appraised value for your house, allowing you to preserve the equity you’ve built.
• Easier to get bank financing.
[/et_pb_tab][et_pb_tab title=”Cons of Trading” _builder_version=”3.0.48″ body_font=”||||” body_line_height=”2em” tab_font=”||||” tab_line_height=”2em” background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” body_line_height_tablet=”2em” body_line_height_phone=”2em” tab_line_height_tablet=”2em” tab_line_height_phone=”2em”]• You won’t have the same flexibility to pick and choose details that you would like in your new house as you would if you were negotiating a regular sale.
• If the selling and buying don’t happen all at once, you could wind up stuck with two mortgages.
• If one of the parties owes more on their house than it’s worth, they’ll probably have some difficulty qualifying for a loan.

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