
Payday copy form

Property Info:

MLS # (or address) Sold:

Contract Sale Price ($):

Contract Date (ex. 12/12/12):

Closing Date (ex. 12/12/12):

Commission Rate Me (%):

Commission Rate Other Agent (%):

Commission Rate Gross (%):

My CC or Flat Fee (Gross Amount) $:

Pay the other agent (if a rental, etc.) $:

Pay a referral of (explain in Notes):

MLS Fee ($):

RE/MAX Cornerstone Fees:
My office split (%):

Regional Fee (%):

Monthly office bill ($):

Transaction fee ($):

Cornerstone agent:

I am the:

The other agent is the:

Other Agent:
First Name:

Last Name:

Mobile #:

Work #:


Other Agent’s Company:*

*Please fill in “Other Agent’s Company”

Notes/Special Instructions:

Property Info:

MLS # (or address) Sold:

Contract Sale Price ($):

Contract Date (ex. 12/12/12):

Closing Date (ex. 12/12/12):

Commission Rate Me (%):

Commission Rate Other Agent (%):

Commission Rate Gross (%):

My CC or Flat Fee (Gross Amount) $:

Pay the other agent (if a rental, etc.) $:

Pay a referral of (explain in Notes):

MLS Fee ($):

RE/MAX Cornerstone Fees:
My office split (%):

Regional Fee (%):

Monthly office bill ($):

Transaction fee ($):

Cornerstone agent:

I am the:

The other agent is the:

Other Agent:
First Name:

Last Name:

Mobile #:

Work #:


Other Agent’s Company:*

*Please fill in “Other Agent’s Company”

Notes/Special Instructions:

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