Pre Inspected

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Suggestion #3

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We suggest that you have your home pre-inspected by a home inspector. You will find out if anything is wrong with your home. This gives you plenty of time to repair the items yourself or shop around for the best solution. After the repairs are made, the home inspector can come out to see that everything is fine and in working order. This report can be given to any prospective buyers.

By completing ALL work up front you will reduce any possibility of a future sales contract falling through because of repair issues. We can present your home with a complete bill of health. The buyers are free to conduct any inspections or see the results of the final inspections that we have completed (with your approval). We can assist you with a list of inspectors (Home, Radon and Mold) as well coordinate the inspections. We can also provide you with a list of contractors if repairs are needed.

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2. Roof problems. Improperly installed and aged surfaces occur frequently. We also see poorly installed or missing flashing at transition areas. Repairs may be simple or the entire roof may need to be replaced. Follow up any adverse roofing system findings with an evaluation by a competent roofer.

3. Heating/cooling system defects. Improper installations, inadequate maintenance and aged components are common.

4. Plumbing issues. The most common defects are leaking, outdated or problematic systems such as polybutelene. Repairs can often be made, but on occasion total system replacement is the only solution.

5. Inadequate insulation and ventilation in attic. Poor insulation and poor ventilation cause excessive utility costs and lack of occupant comfort.

6. Whole house is poorly maintained. Deferred maintenance represents a potential high cost situation to bring the home back into condition. If the homeowner did not properly care for the home, someone will need to later.

7. Poor drainage around the structure. Water needs to drain away from the structure at its perimeter to prevent water intrusion. Roof gutters and downspouts can sometimes be added to rectify site drainage problems.

8. Air and water penetrating cracks and window perimeters at exterior. Structure cracks and separations at the windows can allow water into the wall cavities, which is conducive to mold growth.

9. Minor structural damage. Cut and broken trusses are often seen in attic cavities and on occasion we also see structural components missing. Usually repairs are needed, however we find it is rarely an imminent safety hazard.

10. Potential environmental problems. Signs of mold growth represents the latest environmental scare. Homebuyers should consider a complete environmental evaluation of the property before buying.

[/et_pb_tab][et_pb_tab title=”List of Inspectors” _builder_version=”3.0.48″ body_font=”||||” body_line_height=”2em” tab_font=”||||” tab_line_height=”2em” background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” body_line_height_tablet=”2em” body_line_height_phone=”2em” tab_line_height_tablet=”2em” tab_line_height_phone=”2em”]REFERRED HOME INSPECTORS:

Bill Hayes: (847) 404-9077 Home Team Inspection Services

Anthony Pope: (630) 460-6293 AP Home Inspections

Dick Routson: (630) 682-4543 DuPage Residential Inspections & Radon Service

Dan Musielski: (630) 745-0573 Engineer & Inspector


Pure One: Juan 847-409-6768 Mold Removal

Puro Clean: Steve Maloney (630) 549-3351 Mold Inspections and Remediation

Kevin Morici: (708) 207-6338 Mold Inspections & Mitigation

Hoffman Estates Environmental: (847) 380-3184

Elgin Environmental: (847) 961-4571


Ron Radon Testers: (630) 260-0700  (630) 890-4843 Cell

Elliott & Associates: (630) 325-8005

Radon Reduction: (630) 357-9474

RDMS: (630) 469-3223 Only puts systems in

ARMS Radon: (630) 587-2058

Heritage: (630) 377-9176

Radon Remediation: (800) 688-8078

Radon Testers: (630) 260-0700

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