Commercial zoning. Build apartments, multi-family, storefronts, and more with this zoning. Use our developer or your developer. Multiple lots for sale. See Chicago zoning information for C1-2 zoning below. 17-3-0105 C1, Neighborhood Commercial District. 17-3-0105-A The primary purpose of the C1, Neighborhood Commercial district is to accommodate a very broad range of small-scale, business, service and commercial uses. 17-3-0105-B C1 zoning is distinguished from B1 zoning by the range of use types allowed: C1 permits more intensive, more auto-oriented commercial use types than does B1. The C1 district also allows taverns and liquor stores by-right. 17-3-0105-C The C1 district permits residential dwelling units above the ground floor. 17-3-0105-D C1 zoning is generally intended to be applied in compact nodes, at the intersection of two or more major streets, or in a cohesive linear fashion along streets.
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